School Meal Program

ASA is excited to partner with a new vendor, Nutrition One (N1) to provide healthy, varied, and tasty meals to our students for lunch.  Meals will be paid via Myschoolbucks, which allows you to place money in an account for your student, which is deducted when your student scans their ID for a meal. Day-of transactions will not be available, allowing students to pick up their meals without delay. See below for the monthly menu. Meals that cater to various allergy conditions and dietary preferences are offered daily and are noted on the menu below.

To successfully participate in the lunch program, we are asking families to complete a few steps to ensure access to a healthy and speedy lunch. Please follow the steps below to enroll.

Email with any questions, concerns, or support.

Arizona School for the Arts has applied to participate in the National School Lunch Program. As part of this program, ASA offers healthy meals every school day. We ask that all our families participate in applying for this program regardless of their qualifications.

Arizona School for the Arts ha solicitado participar en el Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares. Como parte de este programa, ASA ofrece comidas saludables todos los días escolares. Pedimos que todas nuestras familias participen en la solicitud de este programa, independientemente de sus calificaciones.

Please review the links for FAQs regarding Free or Reduced Meals as well as an Income Eligibility Chart:

Income Chart & FAQs | Tabla de ingresos y preguntas frecuentes

Families will complete their application using the link below.  Arizona School for the Arts is working with The Healthy School Food Collaborative to implement the program.


  • Step 1: CLICK THIS LINK to begin the application. ***As our consultant who operates this software is based in the State of Louisiana, you must select Louisiana as the state and Healthy School Food Collaborative as the district.***
  • Step 2: Complete all the information requested

Only one application is required for all children in the household and the information provided on the application will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility and verification of data. Applications may be verified at any time during the school year by the school or other program officials. An application for free or reduced-price benefits cannot be approved unless it contains complete eligibility information as indicated on the instructions, including the last four digits of the primary wage earner’s social security number and a signature of an adult household member.

If families do not have access to the Internet, print the Federal application in your preferred language and turn it into the school office. Printable Application in English aplicación en español

Household size and income criteria are used to determine eligibility for free and reduced-price benefits if the household does not receive assistance or the children are not in the other categories mentioned below. Children can get free or reduced-price meals if their household’s gross income is within the limits of the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines.

Under the provisions of the free and reduced-price procedure, the Arizona School for the Arts support team will review applications and determine eligibility. Parents or guardians dissatisfied with the ruling of the official may wish to discuss the decision with the determining official on an informal basis. Parents wishing to make a formal appeal for a hearing on the decision may make a request either orally or in writing to Principal Elma Dzanic Bass,

Families can apply for benefits at any time. If a household member becomes unemployed or if the household size increases, the household should contact the school. Such changes may make the children of the household eligible for benefits if the household’s income falls at or below the Federal Guidelines. Contact Eden Lewkowitz ( at any time to receive instructions for applying or request an application. In the operation of child feeding programs, no child will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability. To apply for free or reduced-price meals, households can fill out the application and return it to the school unless the household has already received notification that their children are approved for free meals this year. Application forms are being distributed to all households with a letter informing households of the availability of free and reduced-price meals for their children and what is required to complete on the application.

When known to Arizona School for the Arts, households will be notified of their children’s eligibility for free meals if they are members of households receiving assistance from the following:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) or
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) if the State program meets Federal standards.

An application is not required for free meal benefits for Assistance Program participants and all of the children in the household are eligible for free meal benefits. If any children were not listed on the notice of eligibility, or if a household does not receive a notice of eligibility, the household should contact the LEA or school to have free meal benefits extended to them. Participants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals, but they will need to turn in an application including household size and total income.

When known to Arizona School for the Arts, households will also be notified of any child’s eligibility for free meals if the individual child is considered “Other Source Categorically Eligible” because the child is categorized, as defined by law as:

  • Homeless
  • Migrant
  • Runaway
  • Enrolled in an eligible Head Start or
  • Enrolled in an eligible pre-kindergarten class

If any children were not listed on the notice of eligibility, the household should contact the LEA or school about their eligibility through one of the programs listed above or submit an income application.

Households notified of their children’s eligibility must contact the LEA or school if the household chooses to decline the free meal benefits.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and, where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.)

If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866)632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at

Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339 or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish).

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Step 1: My School Bucks Registration Page
Step 2: Click Parent Registration. When selecting a state and district, select Louisiana as the state and “Healthy School Food Collaborative” as the district.
Step 3: Register Student – Student ID (found on their ID or in your Parent Vue account: 5 digits starting with 14, 15, or 16) and Date of Birth is required.
Step 4: Add students to the household.
Step 5: Add funds if you selected


Once you establish your account you will add funds to your account by using My School Bucks. The ASA meal program is cashless.

The ASA Board of Directors has adopted an Unpaid Meal Charge Policy.  The most an account can be negative is $30.00 before no more meals can be served for that account.

FULL PRICE MEALS: Lunch: $6.00
REDUCED PRICE (if qualified under the NSLP Program): Lunch: $0.00

PLEASE NOTE: Online Deposits are processed each night at 2:00 a.m. and will be automatically reflected in your student’s account at that time. Deposits made after 2:00 a.m. will be processed the following night at 2:00 a.m.

Each month, we will post the menu from our food vendor, Nutrition One, on our website for viewing.  We will also provide a link to the nutrition and allergy facts so that students can select meals that meet their requirements.

Online menu with nutrition facts: MySchoolMenus

If your family does not qualify for free/reduced meals, please add funds to My School Bucks or ensure your student brings a lunch meal to school. Effective Tuesday, January 15, 2024, students with a balance of $30 or higher will not be provided a full meal but an alternative snack until the balance has been paid and funds added for future meals. 

Local Wellness Procedure

We are committed to the optimal development of every student and believe healthy eating and physical activity are not only good for our students but will support the academic goals of our school as well. Our wellness procedure outlines our goals and nutritional guidelines to promote the health and well-being of all students.

  • Click the link to view our Wellness Procedure
  • If you are interested in supporting our work around wellness, here are some ways you can be involved:
  • Lead a nutrition education or physical activity lesson
  • Volunteer at our next parent event to distribute wellness information
  • Donate equipment or other materials related to nutrition or physical activity
  • Review our weekly community newsletter for important information on wellness

Contact our Wellness Coordinator at if you are interested in getting involved.